20+ Years Experience

Specialist Solar Panels

Solar Panel Installers

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Solar panels are an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your energy bills. But what do you need to know before you decide to install solar panels?

We are a team of experienced local solar panel installers passionate about solar panels. We have been installing solar systems since 2009, working with both retail and commercial customers across the country.

Our experience means we can help you find the right size system for your needs and budget, and we also offer financing options that make it easy to get started on making the switch to solar.

There are many factors that go into deciding if solar is right for your home or business, but one thing is certain: if you’re thinking about going green and saving some money, our team of professionals will help you every step of the way!

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Table of Contents

Why Choose Us?

We have been a UK-based solar panel installer since 2007 and have over ten years of experience in the solar panel installations industry. We have worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, including Tesla and Panasonic.

We are accredited by Chas, Constructionline, and our internal program to ensure we are up to date with all industry regulations and requirements.

Our team has completed several courses from various providers, including Solar Trade Association (STA), Renewable Energy Association (REA), Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS), and Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). We are also members of the STA and REA.

Leading manufacturers have trained all our installers to ensure they meet the high standards set by these companies. They also attend regular training sessions throughout the year to keep up-to-date with any legislation or technology associated with solar panel installation changes.

We offer competitive pricing because we do not use subcontractors or rely on cheap labour; instead, we complete all installations ourselves, allowing us to save on costs while delivering high-quality workmanship at competitive prices.

How do Solar Panels Work?

A solar panel is a device that converts light into electrical energy. The sun’s rays (photons) contain enormous energy, but they aren’t easy to harness.

A single photon has enough energy to move an electron in an atom by only a few millionths of a volt. An electron must be accelerated to thousands of volts before it can drive an electric current through a wire.

Solar cells use semiconductors to capture photons and convert their energy into electricity. Semiconductors are insulators when cold, but when heated, they become conductors with the ability to carry an electric current.

A semiconductor p-n junction is created by adding two types of semiconductor material, one type having extra electrons (n-type), the other lacking them (p-type). When sunlight hits this junction, electrons are knocked loose from their atoms, creating free electrons and holes—electron voids that want to be filled.

These excited electrons flow through wires as electricity, while the holes act as positive charges that repel each other and create a voltage across the cell.

Types of Solar Panels We Offer

If you are considering installing solar panels in your home, you will probably want to know the different types of solar panels we offer. Solar panels in the UK and other parts of the country have greatly changed since their invention in the late 1950s.

Today’s solar panels are less expensive, more efficient, easy to install, and designed to last longer than early models.

Monocrystalline Solar Panels

Monocrystalline solar panels are made from a single crystal of silicon, which means they have high-efficiency levels at all times and in all weather conditions. This makes them great for commercial use, where you need to have a reliable source of electricity at all times.

Most commercial installations use monocrystalline solar panels because they’re more efficient than other types, but they’re also more expensive than other types too.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Polycrystalline solar panels are made from multiple crystals of silicon placed together in one panel. This means they’re cheaper than monocrystalline panels but less efficient at producing electricity over time.

They work well in most weather conditions but aren’t as efficient as monocrystalline during winter when less sunlight is available.

Thin Film Solar Panels

Thin film solar panels are a great choice if you want to go green and save money on your electric bill.

These panels are made up of thin sheets of semiconductor material, usually amorphous silicon or cadmium telluride, which are then coated with an ultra-thin layer of photovoltaic material. This allows them to generate electricity from the sun’s rays.

Types of Solar Panels We Offer

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Is My Home Suitable for Solar PV Panels?

If you’re in the UK, there are a few things you need to consider when deciding if your home is suitable for solar PV panels:

The size of your roof. A typical residential roof can support around 3kW/3kWp of solar PV system panels (equivalent to around 4kW/4kWp of installed capacity).

The amount you install will depend on the sunlight available at any given time of year and how much electricity you would like to generate from your solar panels installed.

If there’s too much shade on any part of your roof at any time of day or year, this may reduce the amount of electricity generated by your system and limit its effectiveness as an investment in energy saving and cost reduction over time.

The orientation of your roof – If your roof faces south, it’s likely to get the most sun exposure during the day. However, even if it doesn’t face directly south, installing solar PV panels on your home may still be possible.

This is because the sun’s angle throughout the year constantly changes as it moves across the sky. The only thing guaranteed is that there will be enough sunshine most days of the year to produce some electricity.

The pitch of your roof – The higher the pitch (angle), the better the chance of getting sufficient sunlight on your panels throughout the year. It’s essential to consider any obstructions such as trees or buildings blocking sunlight.

Which type of Solar Panel is Best for you?

Choosing a solar panel installer can be daunting, especially if you’re new to the industry. But with the correct information, you can make an informed decision that is right for your needs.

We offer all types of solar panels in the UK, so let’s take a look at some of the most popular ones out there:

Monocrystalline Solar Panels

Monocrystalline solar panels are made from a single large crystal of silicon. This panel type is more efficient than polycrystalline or amorphous panels but is also more expensive.

Monocrystalline panels are usually black or blue and are often encased in glass. These panels are also very durable because their structure is more uniform than other types of solar panels.

Monocrystalline solar panels have several advantages over other types of solar cells:

High efficiency

Monocrystalline solar panels have the highest efficiency rating in the solar PV system industry (17-19%). The cost per watt is higher than that of other technologies, but they are still cost-effective over time because they produce more power per square foot. These panels are also more durable than other cells since they contain fewer defects.

Longer lifespan

Monocrystalline cells have an expected life span of about 30 years, compared to 20 years for polycrystalline cells and 15 years for amorphous panels (based on ASTM testing).

Ease of installation

Each panel is composed of a single large cell with no junction box, so there are fewer parts in your system. Your installer will also be able to install them faster since there are fewer connections to make.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Polycrystalline solar panels are made from polysilicon and are typically the least expensive option for residential solar power systems. They are less efficient than monocrystalline panels but also cost less to make and install.

Polycrystalline solar panels are made from polysilicon, a silicon material that has been melted and cooled multiple times. This creates a crystalline structure with lots of small grains, making the panel more durable in high temperatures and windy conditions than other solar panels.

Some of the benefits of polycrystalline solar panels include:

Better durability

Polycrystalline solar panels are less susceptible to heat damage and other forms of physical wear than monocrystalline panels, so they can last longer without needing repairs or replacements.

Higher shade tolerance

The more direct sunlight that hits a polycrystalline solar panel, the more electricity it produces — even if there’s some shade on the part of it from clouds or other obstructions in front of it. This means you can use fewer total panels than you would with monocrystalline without sacrificing production levels.


Polycrystalline solar panels have been tested to withstand various environmental conditions and temperatures.

These include high wind speeds, hail storms, snow loads, and extreme heat or cold weather conditions (below -40°C/-40°F). They can even withstand hurricanes and tornadoes because the glass surface protects all the internal components from damage caused by wind-related events like these.

Heat tolerance

Polycrystalline solar panels tolerate high temperatures better than monocrystalline cells because there are no sharp edges that could break apart from excessive heat exposure over time (e.g., during summer months when temperatures run higher in your area). This means your solar panel will last longer and produce more electricity over its lifetime.

Thin Film Solar Panels

Thin film solar panels are a relatively new technology that can be used to power small devices and even homes. These flexible panels are made from thin layers of different materials, which make them lighter and more durable than traditional solar panels. They’re also cheaper to manufacture, which makes them more affordable for consumers.

Some advantages of thin film solar panels include:


The most obvious advantage of thin film solar panels is that they are very lightweight compared to traditional silicon-based panels. This means that they can be easily transported and installed in remote locations, which would otherwise be difficult to access due to the weight of traditional solar panels.


Thin film solar panels have their flexibility over conventional silicon-based solar panels. This means you can bend or fold a thin film panel without damaging or affecting its performance. This makes them ideal for use in different applications such as camping vehicles, sailboats, yachts, and other boats, as well as aircraft and drones.


They have over conventional silicon-based solar panels in cost efficiency; they are cheaper than their counterparts because they require less material during manufacturing processes, resulting in lower production costs than conventional PV panels.

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Solar Panel Costs

The average price of a 5kWp (kilowatt peak) solar panel system is around ÂŁ3,000. However, this varies significantly depending on your location and the roof size.

The cost of solar panels in the UK can vary depending on the size of your home and how much sun it gets.

Solar panels have become increasingly affordable over the last decade. In 2010, a 3kWp solar panel system would have cost around £11,000 – nearly three times as much as today.

Where Are Solar Panels Installed?

Solar panels are a great way to make use of the sun’s energy and generate electricity for your home or business. Where you choose to install your solar panels will depend on your available space, but many options are available. We can help you decide which is best for you.

Commercial Solar Panel Installation

We can fit solar panels on commercial buildings such as schools, leisure centers, hospitals, factories, nurseries, etc. The amount of electricity generated by the panels will depend on how much sun exposure the building gets.

Domestic Solar Panel Installation

We can also install solar panels on domestic properties such as houses, bungalows, or flats.

Solar Panel Installation Process

The solar panel installation process is fairly simple and straightforward.

It generally takes two to five days to get your system installed. Still, the length of time depends on how many panels you need, how many people are working on the job, and whether or not there are any complications with the installation location.

Here’s a step-by-step look at what happens during a typical solar panel installation:

The first thing that happens is that we’ll come to your home or business and give you an estimate for the system. If you’re interested in getting a quote, contact us today!

We’ll then schedule a time for us to come back to take measurements of your roof or another surface where we’ll install the panels.

This way, we can ensure that they will fit properly when our team installs them. When we’re done measuring, we’ll create an estimate based on those measurements and send it over for approval before proceeding with further work.

Once we’ve received approval from you, we’ll place an order for all the parts required for the installation, including solar panel systems, inverters, racking systems, wiring, and hardware needed to mount everything properly onto your property. We may also order additional parts such as batteries if they’re part of your system design.

Once these parts arrive at our warehouse, we’ll begin installing them on your roof. We have a trained team of technicians who will lift each panel using special equipment that weighs only around 80 pounds (36 kg) per person.

This ensures that your roof stays in excellent condition throughout this process. It eliminates the need to use heavy machinery like cranes or forklifts, which could damage it over time.

Solar Panel Benefits

Solar panels have several benefits that make them worth considering in your home. These include:

Reduces Electricity Costs

Utility companies charge more for electricity during peak hours. If you have a solar power system, however, you can use electricity when it’s cheaper and store it for later. This way, you’ll only pay the lower rate during off-peak hours.

Reduces Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint of using solar energy is zero because the sun doesn’t emit any greenhouse gases or other pollutants into the atmosphere. You can also opt for green energy sources that are carbon neutral or even carbon negative so that you’re not contributing to climate change at all.

Easy to Install

Installing solar panels on your roof is easy enough that many homeowners do it themselves or hire someone with experience. It helps if you’re handy with tools, but even if you’re not, plenty of guides online show step-by-step how to install them properly and safely.

Renewable Energy Source

Solar power is a renewable and sustainable source of energy. It is the best alternative to non-renewable sources like coal, oil, etc., which are the major contributors to global warming and climate change.

Solar Panel Disadvantages

Solar panels are a great way to save money on your electric bill. They are also good for the environment since they produce no harmful emissions or byproducts. As with any technology, however, there are some disadvantages to solar panels and advantages.

Initial Cost

Solar panels are an investment that will pay for itself over time, but they’re not cheap. The cost of a solar panel installation is high compared to other energy sources like natural gas or propane. However, if you think about it in terms of long-term savings, it’s a good investment.

Weather Dependent

Solar panels work best on sunny days when the sun is at its peak. If it rains or snows, you won’t get as much power from your solar panels as you would on a nice clear day. That’s why most people with solar panels combine them with other energy sources like wind turbines or hydroelectric dams. Hence, they have multiple options for generating power at any given time.

Takes Up More Space

Solar panels take up valuable space on your roof or yard. In addition to covering part of your roof with panels, you’ll need enough room on your property and an area where they can be mounted safely without falling off or being damaged by animals or other potential hazards.

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Solar Panels vs. Heat Pumps

Solar panels and heat pumps are both great options for heating your home. However, they are different systems, which means they have different pros and cons.

Heat pumps extract heat from the air outside and transfer it indoors. The process is reversed in winter, so you can use the heat to warm up your house. This works well on cold days when you turn on the heat pump but may not be as effective during milder weather.

Solar panels store solar energy by take the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity through photovoltaic cells. This electricity can then be used to power appliances in your home or sold back to the grid through an electricity bill. The main benefit of solar panels is that they don’t require any fuel or other inputs – just sunlight!

Solar Panels vs. Generators

Solar panels are great—they’re renewable, efficient, and can be used to power your whole home (or even just one room). But what if you live in a remote location or have a home that’s not well-suited for solar panels?

Generators are a good alternative. They’re much more expensive than solar panels, but they can power your whole house if you need them to.

Solar Panels vs. Electricity

Solar panels are a great way to make your home more energy-efficient and sustainable. They’re also a great way to save money on your electric bill. But how do they compare to electricity?

The answer depends on your situation. If you live in an area with reliable sun year-round, solar panels may be the right choice for you—they’ll keep your energy use low and reduce your monthly bill.

But if you live in an area that doesn’t get much sunlight during the winter months, or if you’re not sure how much power you’ll need, it may be better to stick with traditional electricity until solar panels can help you meet all your needs.

Solar Panels Vs. Wind Turbines

Solar panels and wind turbines are two different ways of producing energy. Solar panels are passive, so they don’t require any action on your part to make them work—they just sit there and absorb sunlight. Wind turbines require maintenance, but they’ll produce electricity consistently throughout the day.

The amount of money and space required for each option varies, too. Solar panels are inexpensive to install but take up a lot of space (depending on how much power you need). Wind turbines cost more to buy initially, but once set up and running. They’re pretty low maintenance.

Solar Panels Vs. Gas Boilers

Gas boilers are more expensive to install than solar panels but have lower running costs.

Solar panels are cheaper to install than gas boilers but have higher running costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are solar panels made out of?

Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells designed to convert sunlight into electricity. The cells are often made from silicon and can be found in various shapes, sizes, and colours.

What can solar panels be used for in the home?

Solar panels can be used to generate electricity for your home or business. They have many benefits, including reduced carbon emissions, lower energy bills, and improved energy security. Some people use solar power because it is clean, renewable energy!

Do you Need Planning Permission for Solar Panels?

If you want to have solar panels fitted on your property, you’ll most likely need planning permission from your local council. This is because installing them will affect the appearance of your home or business premises, so it’s worth checking with them before installing any solar panel system!

How long does it take to install solar panels?

The installation process varies depending on how much energy needs to be generated from the sun – but it usually takes between two days and three weeks depending on how much time they have available during daylight hours.

How much does it cost to maintain solar panels?

It depends on the type of panels you have and how often you need to have them cleaned. If you have an extensive system, you’ll probably have to clean your panels regularly to keep them in good shape. The cleaning may be less frequent if you have a minor system.

Niche Safety Standards / Environmental Requirements


If you are looking for professional a solar pv panels installer, you have come to the right place! We have been in business for over ten years and pride ourselves on providing top-notch service at a competitive price. Whether you need a new system installed or are looking to upgrade your current system, we can help.

Our team has over 50 years of combined experience in all solar panel installation and maintenance facets. We also offer financing options to get the best deal possible for your home or business.

If you are interested in learning more about our services or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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